Accounting firm, KPMG, has been hit with one of the largest fines in UK audit history by the country’s Financial Reporting Council (FRC).
The FRC confirmed on Thursday that KPMG would be hit with a £14.4M (€16.8M) settlement after former staff forged documents and misled the regulator over audits.
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Albania – Publication of the Fifth Round Second Compliance Report
GRECO has made public today its Fifth Round Second Compliance Report on Albania, which deals with preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central governments (top executive functions) and law enforcement agencies. This report was adopted by GRECO at its 99th Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 17-19 March 2025). This Second Compliance Report assesses the measures taken by the authorities of Albania to implement the recommendations issued in the Fifth Round Evaluation Report which was adopted at GRECO’s 86th Plenary Meeting (29 October 2020) and made public on 3 December 2020, following authorisation by the authorities of Albania. The corresponding Compliance Report was adopted at GRECO’s 92nd Plenary Meeting (2 December 2022) and made public on 3 March 2023, following authorisation by the authorities of Albania.
OFSI has published its Annual Review for 2023-24
Today OFSI published the Annual Review 2023-24. The report provides an overview of OFSI’s activities and achievements over the past financial year. The report highlights the impact of financial sanctions, demonstrates OFSI's efforts to drive compliance, and underlines OFSI’s support to businesses in navigating UK sanctions to boost growth of legitimate business.
International law enforcement strike against multimillion-euro healthcare fraud network
An international law enforcement operation coordinated by Europol has dismantled a criminal network behind a large-scale healthcare subsidy fraud in France and the laundering of its illicit proceeds in Germany. The fraud scheme centred on fraudulent reimbursements for hearing aids exploiting France’s public health insurance system. In July 2024, the fraudsters set up fictitious hearing aid companies, using usurped diplomas to secure accreditation from health authorities and contracts with the French health insurance fund. Armed with stolen patient details, they issued false invoices, leading to EUR 6.7 million in fraudulent reimbursements. The illicit funds were then channelled through dozens of shell companies across Europe.