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AML COMMUNITY: Danske’s Milda Olencevičiūtė inspires with her Monday morning social post

INSPIRATION: What's the connection between being an AML process lead and motorcycling? "The same feeling of freedom comes when I am on a motorcycle. The open road, wind against the helmet and the roar of the engine. It's different kind of process improvement - it's about improving me, recharging my batteries and clearing my mind," says Danske Bank's Milda Olenceviciute. PHOTO: Linkedin.


IT’S MONDAY – and despite May just being around the corner, it’s chilly and damp where we are. That’s why we will take AML inspiration wherever we can find it.

Today we really enjoyed the social post from Milda Olencevičiūtė, AML/KYC Process Lead for Large Corporations & Institutions at Danske Bank.

She posed the question: “What does Process Lead and motorcycle have in common?”

She answers: “As you could sense from my previous posts, I’m enjoying my role in the Bank. The opportunities of streamlining the process, of making things run smoother and faster is difficult to describe. It’s like a sense of freedom.

WORDS: Milda Olencevičiūtė, AML/KYC Process Lead for Large Corporations & Institutions at Danske Bank. PHOTO: Linkedin

“The same feeling of freedom comes when I am on a motorcycle. The open road, wind against the helmet and the roar of the engine. It’s different kind of process improvement – it’s about improving me, recharging my batteries and clearing my mind,” said Milda.

“In both cases, it’s about the journey, not the destination. It’s about finding ways to overcome obstacles, whether they’re process bottlenecks or winding roads. It’s about the thrill of the ride.

“Both these aspects taught me the value of freedom – the freedom to innovate, to explore and to take challenges head-on, while enjoying every moment of it.”

Well said Milda!

You’ve certainly cheered up our Monday and given us some words of inspiration.

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