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LATEST: EU publishes new AML laws to come into effect next month, including criteria for direct supervision of 40 banks

AMLA: The agency will have the capacity to “simultaneously supervise up to 40 groups and entities”. In the event that there would be more than 40 entities which would meet the criteria for AMLA oversight, the regulator would then select the 40 organisations operating “in the highest number of member states.” GRAPHIC: An artist's illustration of how the new AMLA HQ in Frankfurt could look.

By PAUL O’DONOGHUE, Senior Correspondent THE establishment of the EU’s AMLA (Anti-Money Laundering Authority) is one of the biggest changes to hit the world of AML in years. But one question which has perhaps not been clear to financial institutions is – which ones will AMLA regulate? Laws published today by the EU in its…

AML Intelligence
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