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AML, EU/Europe, Financial Crime

NEWS: Former Dublin Airport police officer extradited and jailed after laundering ‘millions of pounds’ for gangs

AMLA: In a poll conducted by AML Intelligence, almost 25pc of AFC professionals said Dublin was their preferred location for the new EU AML Authority. Photo shows advertisement taken out by Irish government at Brussels Airport in its attempt to lure the Authority to Dublin. It has not yet been decided if MEPs will have a final say in the location.

By Paul O’Donoghue

MARK Adams, formerly a police officer at Dublin Airport, has been extradited to Northern Ireland to serve a nearly two-year jail sentence.

The UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA), which led an investigation into Adams’s activities, said he “laundered millions of pounds for organised crime groups by smuggling cash out of the country on flights”.

AML Intelligence
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