The former chief executive of Meinl bank, who faces money laundering and bribery charges in the US has requested a London court to refuse to extradite him.
Peter Weinzierl faces charges in the US linked to the Brazilian construction company, Odebrecht.
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Oman’s measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing
Paris, 19 December 2024 - Oman has significantly improved its legal, operational and supervisory framework on anti-money laundering and countering terrorist financing (AML/CFT) in recent years through robust technical compliance with the FATF Recommendations.
Oman is achieving positive results in the use of financial intelligence, international cooperation, combating terrorist financing and implementing financial sanctions for proliferation financing. However, in some areas, more time and effort are needed for measures and reforms introduced to impact the effectiveness of Oman's AML/CFT system.
Spain: EPPO dismantles organised crime group that evaded €3.3 million in antidumping duties
European Public Prosecutor's Office
(Luxembourg, 19 December 2024) – In an investigation led by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office in Madrid (Spain), the Spanish Guardia Civil and the Tax Office, with the support of Europol, have dismantled an organised crime network operating in Spain since 2020. The network, controlled by nine individuals and involving a sophisticated structure of companies, located in different countries, is thought to have evaded over €3.3 million in antidumping duties.
Court sets trial date for insider dealing case against Segantii Capital Management and its chief investment officer
Securities and Futures Commission
The District Court today fixed the trial of Segantii Capital Management Limited, its director and chief investment officer Mr Simon Sadler, and former trader Mr Daniel La Rocca on 4 May 2026 after they pleaded not guilty to charges of insider dealing.
The proceedings were commenced by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). The three defendants are charged with the offence of insider dealing in the shares of a listed company prior to entering into a block trade in June 2017 in the shares of the same listed company .