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OPINION: Joint warning from top three global fincrime agencies needs to be wake up call for governments asleep to AML risks

JAILED: 'Super cartel' member Ridouan Taghi was jailed for life in the Netherlands after being extradited from UAE. Masked and armed police surrounded the courthouse, known as the Bunker, in an Amsterdam suburb as the judges, who were not named and whose faces were hidden from view, read out the sentences. Drones and a police helicopter circled overhead. It was yet another example of the creeping influence and danger posed by transnational organised crime across the globe.

By PAUL O’DONOGHUE, Senior Correspondent

THE unprecedented warning from some of the world’s most influential organisations that international AML measures have to be tightened is no routine advisory – it should be taken as a blaring siren signalling the need for urgent reform.

AML Intelligence
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