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EDITORIAL: ‘AML Intelligence’ joins World News Day campaign to fight misinformation


AML Intelligence has joined hundreds of news organizations around the world in a critical new campaign to combat misinformation.

The ‘Choose Truth’ initiative, launched this week ahead of World News Day on September 28, is to highlight the crucial role played by news organizations.

‘Choose Truth’ focuses on how fact-based reporting by journalists allows many modern democracies to function.

Their role has become even more crucial in recent years, as false information has been amplified by tech firms and social media.

As part of ‘Choose Truth’, hundreds of news organizations across 100 countries will join forces to highlight the importance of fact-based journalism.

They will invite their audiences to support trusted news outlets, such as by choosing to subscribe to their work.

The World Organisation of News Publishers, the group which coordinates World News Day, said a key goal for ‘Choose Truth’ is to highlight the “unwavering commitment of journalists to report the facts”.

“In a world in which we have increasingly witnessed misinformation turn mainstream, choosing truth has perhaps never been more important,” the group said.

Journalists Branko Brkic and Maria Ressa, joint laureates of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, said that the noise around misinformation “will eventually subside”.

“For now, we fight – every moment of every hour, of every day … We will defend Truth,” they wrote in a joint article for World News Day.

Despite their crucial role, many news organizations are struggling, facing financial difficulties as their work is used for free by tech companies.

The World Organisation of News Publishers said there must be an increasing focus on the role that journalists play in providing “trustworthy news and information that serves citizens and democracy”. 

AML Intelligence editor Stephen Rea said: “At AML Intelligence, we use journalistic checks-and-balances rigor to verify and check the regulatory intelligence we publish for our audiences in banking, fintech and beyond.”More information on ‘Choose Truth’ is available HERE.

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