Analysis, Analysis & Opinion, Asia-Pacific, Compliance
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NEWS: UK cracks down on social media ‘finfluencers’ suspected of promoting scams
AML, Banking, MEA, News, Sanctions
PremiumNEWS: How Israeli air strikes on Hezbollah and Iran linked banks have hit right at heart of group’s global finances
aml, Compliance, Compliance News, Regulatory, US
PremiumINSIGHT: U.S. banks say proposed new rules won’t change ‘tick the box’ approach to AML
AML, Financial Services, MEA, Middle East, News, Regulatory, UAE
NEWS: Ireland, UAE sign extradition agreement to fight organized crime; move signals hope for other EU states
EU/Europe, Financial Crime, Fraud, LATAM
PremiumNEWS: Police say €10m stolen in Venezuelan fraud shifted through Irish investment funds – report
AML, Financial Crime, Fraud, Gaming, News, US
PremiumNEWS: Chinese narcotics gangs are laundering dirty cash through U.S. casinos, warns IRS-CI Chief Guy Ficco
LATEST: FATF to greylist Lebanon this week, confirmation expected Friday
OPINION: AI will likely cause more fraud – but finance firms must embrace the technology
Asia-Pacific, Financial Crime, Fraud