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NEWS: UAE seizes assets worth DH3BN (€769M) from 270 companies for AML shortcomings
AML, Banking, Compliance, EU/Europe, Schuman, Tech
PremiumNEWS: Dynamic registry of all EU bank accounts will be accessible by AMLA to allow swifter freezing orders – top Commission official
NEWS: Swiss regulator investigates 12 banks in Lebanese central banker corruption case
AML, Analysis & Opinion, Financial Crime, Insight, MEA
PremiumDAVID LEWIS COLUMN: Africa in the cross-hairs – what Nigeria and South Africa need to do now to get off FATF’s watchlist
Analysis, Financial Crime, Financial Services
PremiumINSIGHT: ‘This is first time we have suspended a member,’ says FATF chief of Russia move
BREAKING: Russia suspended from FATF as Africa’s economic powerhouses – South Africa and Nigeria – placed on ‘grey list’
AML, Analysis & Opinion, Compliance, Financial Crime, MEA, Regulatory
INSIGHT: Very public help from Spain gets Morocco off ‘grey list’ and boosts ability to raise debt
AML, Financial Crime, Financial Services