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REVEALED: Ex-FATF chief Lewis tells of serious problems at heart of task force, felt he did not get support from agency’s president
NEWS: Nine-person gang found guilty of money laundering linked to banking phone scams in the UAE
NEWS: Singapore trust firm hit with €960k fine over AML breaches; failings placed trust at ‘higher risk’ of illicit activities
Compliance, Financial Crime, Regulatory
PremiumREVEALED: Less than half of EU countries have fully transposed corporate legal liability for money laundering offences
British subsidiary of beleaguered Prepaid Financial Services hit with nearly £1M (€1.19M) fine by UK regulator
AML, Analysis & Opinion, Financial Crime
‘We need to stop talking and start doing’; Ex-FATF Chief David Lewis slams current AML approach and says ‘fining banks doesn’t work’ in fight against financial crime
Analysis, Analysis & Opinion, Financial Services