Tag: Analysis
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INSIGHT: Does international law prohibit the facilitation of money laundering?

INSIGHT: In his unmissable new column, guest writer Baptiste Forestier identifies the latest trends, threats and opportunities in financial crime and AML

EU bodies launch Operation Oscar to freeze assets of sanctioned indivduals and entities linked to Russia

LEWIS NOTEBOOK: Money can’t buy love when it comes to the FATF and the UAE has now been added to the ‘grey list’ – this will be a big disappointment to them

NEWS: Major money laundering operation by Europol, Eurojust and Bulgarian authorities against online fraudsters

AML, Analysis & Opinion, Financial Services, Opinion
PremiumANALYSIS: Janet Yellen revealed how far dirty money has infiltrated the US financial system – how big is the problem?

ANALYSIS: Inside the people smuggling gangs laundering tens of millions every month – and Germany’s role as centre of the complex web extending from China and Middle East to the UK