Banking, Compliance, Compliance News, Regulatory
PremiumTag: ECB
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CONFIRMED: Banque Havilland’s banking licence revoked by the ECB, 130 jobs at risk as lender to wind down
AML, Banking, EU/Europe, Financial Crime
PremiumNEWS: Speculation ECB to revoke licence for Luxembourg’s Banque Havilland over AML concerns
AML, Banking, Financial Crime, Financial Services
PremiumNEWS: Revolut pushed by ECB to boost fincrime controls after review
NEWS: ECB executive apologizes to staff over complaints of ‘autocratic, biased’ comments
NEWS: Former ECB Director appointed CEO of Swiss financial watchdog
Cyber, EU/Europe, Financial Crime, Fraud
PremiumNEWS: ECB launches stress test on banks’ ability to recover from cyberattacks
AML, EU, EU/Europe, Financial Crime