Tag: Tax Evasion
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Financial Crime, Financial Services, US
PremiumNEWS: Credit Suisse has violated US tax evasion deal, Senate Committee finds

European Commission unveils plans to tackle shell companies; Vice President Dombrovskis says there is ‘no place in Europe’ for those who ‘exploit the rules’

NEWS UPDATE: Portuguese football clubs raided by officials in tax evasion and money laundering investigation

Analysis, EU/Europe, Financial Crime, Regulatory
PremiumANALYSIS: The ‘Cumex Files’: A round-up of the ‘biggest tax heist in history’ as Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) hands €752K fine

BREAKING: European Parliament debates Pandora Papers, MEPs brand revelations as ‘shocking’ and ‘embarrassing’ for the EU

AML, Analysis & Opinion, EU/Europe, Financial Crime, Opinion
PremiumLATEST: MEP says Pandora Papers must be a ‘wake-up call’ and calls for ‘full transparency’ to tackle dirty money

AML, Banking, EU/Europe, Financial Crime
PremiumSwiss finance firm and six people charged with tax evasion by US authorities

Banking, Compliance News, EU/Europe, Financial Services